
PhysioDelta offers a variety of functional rehab protocols and hands-on interventions. Each service is specifically altered and geared toward every individual in order to achieve custom plans that will best address your personal concerns and patient goals.
Therapeutic Rehab
Therapeutic Rehab is the foundation to PhysioDelta's management strategy. The greatest method to achieving the long-term results you've been looking for begins with functional rehab. This employs a wide variety of rehab exercises that are carefully chosen and altered to fit your diagnosis and personal goals. Through a functional rehab protocol, you will gain the necessary components to long-term relief via mobility, stability, and strengthening drills.
Manual Therapies
"Manual Therapy" is an umbrella term that encompasses an array of hands-on techniques aimed at reducing your pain levels within the office. These techniques may include joint mobilizations or soft tissue interventions such as myofascial release, kinesiology tape, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, or simple stretching. While these therapies can be beneficial in reducing the bulk of your symptoms, they should always be coupled with longer-lasting management such as functional rehab.
Flexion-Distraction is a specific manual therapy to reduce both lower back and sacroiliac joint pain. Specifically, Flexion-Distraction is a table to which a patient lies on their stomach as the provider "flexes" or bends the table at the waist - which ultimately flexes the lumbar spine to stretch each individual spinal segment via the joints, discs, and surrounding soft tissue structures. Many patients experience far greater relief from Flexion-Distraction rather than traditional spinal adjustments for lumbar diagnoses.